rllib Documentation


The rl library is not a framework where you can plug your own algorithms by complying to predefined interfaces. It is rather a set of tools that helps you designing your work or experiment from scratch. The main function is yours, and you are responsible for scheduling everything from it, for creating every object that you need.

In such a design, the library offers ready-to-use algorithms and types written as templates. Using the template is equivalent as asking some programmer to write for you a code that is dedicated to your application.

This documentation contains both a reference and a user manual. The reference manual is given by the Doxygen structure of class names, as usually. The user manual is a better way to get familiar with the library. The user manual, here, consists of the set of examples. You can start by reading them, in the suggested order (examples all have a number).

The use of templates may be considered as adding programming complexity. The point is that this kind of genericity, based on a re-writing mechanism at compiling time that writes code for you, makes the design close to the mathematics. The cost is that you spend time to make sure that you fit the requirements when you use some rl object. If you don't, you will get some very complicated syntax error message. This is clearly the drawback of the use of templates. Nevertheless, once it compiles, the code you get is quite safe. Our philosophy is that fixing syntax error is a finite process, as opposed to bug fixing.

Tailoring your code with typedefs

As you will see when browsing examples, it often contains a list of typedefs. This is a smart way to cope with quite complicated types generated by templates. For example:

typedef Simulator::action_type A;

So when you write afterward:

A optimal_action;

It is as if you had written:

rl::problem::mountain_car::Simulator<rl::problem::mountain_car::DefaultParam>::action_type optimal_action;

This raises a problem when syntax error occur, since error message displays the complicated version of your types.

The use of concepts

There is not a clean support of concepts in the version of c++ that we use. In order to help the designers, we have made explicit concepts in classes, that are just aimed at being documented here, and that are never used in the code. They are gathered in the rl::concept namespace. The convention is the following. If you need a rl template whose documentation is like this:

namespace rl {
template<typename STUFF, typename SA_FOO, typename SA_BAR>
class DummyAlgorithm {
double computeResult(void);

You have to search in the documentation for concepts rl::concept::Stuff, rl::concept::sa::Foo, rl::concept::sa::Bar, as suggests the names of the formal template parameters of DummyAlgorithm. Let us suppose that you find this.

namespace rl {
namespace concept {
template<typename ANY>
class Stuff {
typedef ANY any_type;
void interpret(any_type& a);
namespace sa {
template<typename VALUE>
class FooBase {
typedef VALUE value_type;
value_type get(void);
template<typename VALUE>
class Foo : public FooBase {
void set(const value_type& v);
class Bar {
static int size(void);

It does not mean at all that you have to inherit from the previous classes in order to provide type parameters to the DummyAlgorithm class. Rather, it means that you have to design a class accordingly to the concept classes. Let us make a class that fits all the three rl::concept::Stuff, rl::concept::sa::Foo and rl::concept::sa::Bar concepts. You just have to copy-paste from the concept documentation.

class ThreeInOne {
// This fits rl::concept::Stuff<std::string>
typedef std::string any_type;
void interpret(any_type& a) {
// your code here
// This fits rl::concept::sa::Foo<int>... and
// rl::concept::sa::FooBase<int> since Foo inherits
// from FooBase
typedef int value_type;
value_type get(void) {
// your code here
void set(const value_type& v) {
// your code here
// This fits rl::concept::sa::Bar
static int size(void) {
// your code here

Once this ThreeInOne class is defined, it can be used as a type parameter for the three slots in the DummyAlgorithm template, since it fits the three requirements.

typedef rl::DummyAlgorithm<ThreeInOne,ThreeInOne,ThreeInOne> MyAlgo;
MyAlgo algo;
double res = algo.computeResult;

Fitting to the concepts ensures that your code will compile. It also induce a very strong type checking, that may be annoying at compiling time if you do not perfectly fit the concepts, but that brings a lot of safety at run time.

A intensive use of C++-11 function tools

There are quite a few concepts in the library (since version 3.00.00 !). They are used mainly for the definition of simulators. Fitting a concept often requires to define wrapper classes, in order to make pr-existing code elements compatible with the required concepts. This is why the rl design is rather based on functions, as examples show. Lambda functions and bindings are widely used in the examples, since they provide a powerfull and compact way to wrap things.

This is an example of the use of bindings.

double q_param(const Param& theta, S s, A a) {
// compute q_\theta(s,a)
using namespace std::placeholders; // defines _1,_2,...
Param p;
// A Q-function takes two arguments, not three. We can get a
// Q-function by binding the first parameter of q_param to p.
auto q1 = std::bind(q_param,p,_1,_2); // q1(x,y) = q_param(p,x,y).
// The same can be done from a lambda function as well.
auto q2 = [&p](S s, A a) -> double {return q_param(p,s,a);};
S s0;
// If we want to get the best action from s0, we need an action
// iterator (got from an array here) and a binding.
std::array<A,NB_ACTIONS> actions = {{action1,action2,action3,...}};
auto a_q_pair = rl::argmax(std::bind(q1,s0,_1), // this is f(x) = q1(s0,x).
actions.begin(), actions.end());
auto best_a = a_q_pair.first;

Another use of functions is to provide accessors to internal data, or builders, so that algorithm can handle a data without requiring some template fitting. This avoids the above mentionned concept-based wrapping. Let us see an example that gives the taste of the rl library design.

Let us suppose that the library provides an algorithm that sums the real parts of a collection of complex numbers. The sumation algotithm would be written like this.

template<typename ITERATOR, typename GET_COMPLEX, typename GET_REAL>
double sum_real_parts(const ITERATOR& begin, const ITERATOR& end,
const GET_COMPLEX& get_complex,
const GET_COMPLEX& get_real) {
double sum = 0;
for(auto it = begin; it != end; ++it)
sum += get_real(get_complex(*it));
return sum;

The previous code do not expect that the complex are placed within a vector, since general purpose iterators are expected. Moreover, the content of the collection has not to be directly a complex, since get_complex is invoqued to get it. Last, complex are note required to fit some concept telling that c.re has to be a legal expression, since get_real does the job. Let use our algorithm with some data.

typedef std::pair<double,double> Complex;
struct Data {
Complex value;
std::string name;
int tag;
std::map<std::string,Data> database = .... ;
double sum = sum_real_parts(database.begin(),database.end(),
[](const Data& content) -> Complex {return content.second.value;}, // Gets the complex...
[](const Complex& c) -> double {return c.first;}); // ... and from it, its real part.

Getting started

You are now ready to read the examples following the order induced by the file names, and of course you can design you own experiments, inspiring from the code in the examples. In order to compile your code, pkg-config support is available (unix).

g++ -o example.bin file.cc `pkg-config --cflags --libs rl`

or more generally

g++ -c file1.cc `pkg-config --cflags rl`
g++ -c file2.cc `pkg-config --cflags rl`
g++ -c fileN.cc `pkg-config --cflags rl`
g++ -o example.bin *.o `pkg-config --libs rl`
Definition: rl-mountain-car.hpp:69
Definition: rl-mountain-car.hpp:130