License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Copyright : Hervé Frezza-Buet, CentraleSupelec
Last modified : April 19, 2024 10:22
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Table of contents

Getting started in C++

Learn by examples

The following self-study will give you the basics of C++. If you are new to C++, consider to spend 2 afternoons for achieving it. Work as a group and ask for help when needed.

Download self-study-c++.tar.gz into some directory. From the terminal, go (i.e. cd) into that directory. Then type :

mylogin@mymachine:~$ tar zxvf self-study-c++.tar.gz
mylogin@mymachine:~$ cd self-study-c++

Then edit the README.txt file and follow the instructions, i.e compile and run examples one by one. Videos (in French) in the last section may simplify your job !

Warning ! Outputs have to be nice !

Take the time to check that you have good printings since bad printings (no color, no UTF-8) leads to obfuscated outputs.

Fix such issues before starting the tutorial.

Compiling the first example leads to the following output on bash with Linux (Ubuntu here).

Nice output with Linux.
Nice output with Linux.

For those using windows or maybe MacOS, be sure to have acces to a terminal where color and UTF-8 is enabled. The figure below provides you with tips for doing this with vscode.

Nice output with vscode. Use a package for enabling this, as red arrows show. The output displayed here is the first example of the self-study, you should get a similar printing on your setup.
Nice output with vscode. Use a package for enabling this, as red arrows show. The output displayed here is the first example of the self-study, you should get a similar printing on your setup.

For windows users, you may need to have g++ available in the command line. Follow the instructions here. For enabling UTF8 on window outputs, you have to configure the system. Go to Settings then Heure et Langue then Langue et Region. Then go on the bottom in Administration des paramètres de la langue, and go to modifier les paramètres régionnaux, and tick utiliser UTF8.

Video tutorial (in French)

Here are home made videos in French that guides you in the tutorial. It complements the notes written as comments in the example files, which, as opposed to the video, are given in English.

Hervé Frezza-Buet,