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Copyright : Frédéric Pennerath, CentraleSupelec
Last modified : April 9, 2024 11:25
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Write your own templates:
The example of matrix template

The goal of this programming exercise is for you to learn how to write the main forms of templates and to use some of their features, like partial specialization or conditional branching (if constexpr).

To this end, we will develop a class template for mathematical matrices, that is very similar in its principle to the class template Vector introduced during the lectures. In particular we consider matrices whose size \(n \times m\) (\(n\) is the number of row, \(m\) the number of column) is fixed at compile time and can therefore be stored in a fixed-size array. Matrices can then be created very quickly as local variables directly on the call stack without storing components in the heap, using dynamic allocation (new). This feature can then be used intensively to proceed intermediary computations very efficiently. Integrating matrix dimension into the template parameters also makes these dimensions as an inherent part of the matrix type so that matrices with different dimensions are considered to be of different types. This is particularly interesting to detect dimension inconsistencies at compile time.

As a summary, the purpose of the template class Matrix is to provide a generic, while at the same time, efficient and strongly typed implementation of matrices, where genericity refers to the freedom for the users of your template, to choose

Class template declaration and definition

In a file Matrix.hpp implement from scratch a class template Matrix parameterized by n, m and Scalar (by default equal to double) that defines

Few important preliminary comments:

Function / external operator template

Add an external operator template << that serializes a matrix into an output stream std::ostream.


Do not forget to add the right friend statement (see the similar example of class Vector in the lectures). Test (see test-Matrix.cpp).

Method / internal operator templates

Implement internal operators computing the sum and product of two matrices.


Code branching with if constexpr

When computing a product \(A \times B\) of two matrices such that \(A\) is a column vector (i.e. \(m_A = 1\)) and thus \(B\) is a row vector (i.e. \(n_B = 1\)), the standard implementation is particularly unefficient. Can you see why?

Using if constexpr as introduced in C++17, specialize the code of the product operator when \(m_A = 1\) so that the code is more efficient.


Generation of custom compilation error using static_assert

In order to produce interpretable error message, implement an internal operator operator* that accept as right operand any matrix, including those with sizes incompatible with the right operand (i.e the current object *this). In that operator, introduce a static_assert statement that produces a compiler error if dimensions are inconsistent.

Partial specialization of class template

Matrices, as arrays (or std::array), store their components directly inside the object Matrix. This is only possible because the matrix has a fixed size known at compile time. This property allows the matrix components to be stored directly on the stack and thus to gain in performance (no dynamic allocation, no memory indirection). However, storing on the stack can quickly become a drawback when the matrix contains many coefficients to the point of causing stack overflow.

So we would like a class template Matrix to store its components in the heap instead of in the stack as soon as the number of its components exceeds a certain threshold (for example 10000). To do this, one simple solution is to replace std::array by std::vector when the size exeeds a threshold. We could specialize directly the class matrix but this would require to duplicate all methods and operators. Instead we can introduce a template class Storage whose sole purpose is to store components either in an array or in a vector. Class Matrix then inherits from Storage.

Modify your implementation accordingly, by defining class template Storage parameterized by Scalar, the dimension of the matrix and a fourth boolean argument stack that tells whether Storage must store components in an array (if stack is true) or in a vector (if stack is false). Use partial specialization of class template (see example in the lectures) to implement both versions (with array and with vector). Then make class template Matrix inherits from Storage by setting the stack argument to the right value. To to this, one will introduce a constexpr function constexpr bool best_on_stack(size_t n_rows, size_t n_columns) that will returns true if and only if the components are better stored on the stack.



We now wants to formalize and document syntactic constraints that Scalar must fullfil to be an algebraic field.

Introduce a concept Field that lists syntactic constraints of an algebraic field (See the example in lectures on generic programming). Then constraint parameter Scalar of template class matrix to satisfy concept Field. Test by instantiating an absurd matrix (e.g a matrix defined on std::string). See error messages.



When computing the product of two matrices \(A\) and \(B\), the termination test of the internal loop is particularly costly (why?).

Update your class template to do loop unrolling in the internal loop.

Frédéric Pennerath,