License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Copyright : Hervé Frezza-Buet, CentraleSupelec
Last modified : March 28, 2024 13:08
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Table of contents

Reference Manual

CxSOM / C++ interface

The C++ interface enables to describe computing rules. See examples in the doxygen documentation.

See the doxygen doc

CxSOM / python interface

The python interface is dedicated to variable files manipulation and viewing.


There are type classes enabling to handle the CxSOM types at execution time.

import pycxsom as cx

t = cx.typing.Map2D(500, cx.typing.Array(3))

print('type is "{}"'.format(t))
print('  Is it a Type ?   {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Type)))
print('  Is it a Scalar ? {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Scalar)))
print('  Is it a Pos1D ?  {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Pos1D)))
print('  Is it a Pos2D ?  {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Pos2D)))
print('  Is it a Array ?  {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Array)))
print('  Is it a Map   ?  {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Map)))
print('  Is it a Map1D ?  {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Map1D)))
print('  Is it a Map2D ?  {}'.format(isinstance(t, cx.typing.Map2D)))

Types can be converted to and from strings.

import pycxsom as cx

type_descriptions = ['',                     # [EXCEPT] <- '' : Parse error : make('') : Empty type description
                     'Skalar',               # [EXCEPT] <- 'Skalar' : Parse error : parse_check_next('Skalar', ...) : 'Scalar' expected.
                     'Scalar',               # [  OK  ] <- 'Scalar'
                     'Pos1D',                # [  OK  ] <- 'Pos1D'
                     'Pos2D',                # [  OK  ] <- 'Pos2D'
                     'Pos3D',                # [EXCEPT] <- 'Pos3D' : Parse error : parse_DIM('3D') : This is not 1D or 2D.
                     'Array=10',             # [  OK  ] <- 'Array=10'
                     'Mop1D<Scalar>=100',    # [EXCEPT] <- 'Mop1D<Scalar>=100' : Parse error : parse_check_next('Mop1D<Scalar>=100', ...) : 'Map' expected.
                     'Map1D<Scalar>=100',    # [  OK  ] <- 'Map1D<Scalar>=100'
                     'Map1D<Pos1D>=100',     # [  OK  ] <- 'Map1D<Pos1D>=100'
                     'Map1D<Pos2D>=100',     # [  OK  ] <- 'Map1D<Pos2D>=100'
                     'Map1D<Array=10>=100',  # [  OK  ] <- 'Map1D<Array=10>=100'
                     'Map2D<Scalar>=100',    # [  OK  ] <- 'Map2D<Scalar>=100'
                     'Map2D<Pos1D>=100',     # [  OK  ] <- 'Map2D<Pos1D>=100'
                     'Map2D<Pos2D>=100',     # [  OK  ] <- 'Map2D<Pos2D>=100'
                     'Map2D<Array=10>=100',  # [  OK  ] <- 'Map2D<Array=10>=100'
                     'Map3D<Array=10>=100']  # [EXCEPT] <- 'Map3D<Array=10>=100' : Parse error : parse_DIM('3D<Array=10>=100') : This is not 1D or 2D.

for descr in type_descriptions:
    msg = "[  OK  ]"
    error = ''
        t = cx.typing.make(descr)
        if descr != str(t):
            msg = "[FAILED]"
    except cx.error.Any as err:
            msg = "[EXCEPT]"
            error = str(err)
    display = "{} <- '{}'".format(msg, descr)
    if msg == "[FAILED]":
        display += " instead of " + str(t)
    elif msg == "[EXCEPT]":
        display += " : " + str(error)


Variables are values whose history is stored into files. These files are stored in a root directory, where subdirectories represent the timelines.

This show many ways to manipulate the variable contents.

import os
import sys
import pycxsom as cx
import numpy as np

# The variable is stored in a .var file. The path is built up from the
# root directory, wher all variables of a simulation are stored, a
# timeline (i.e. the first level of subdirectory), and a name, which
# can contain subdirectories as well.

if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    print('  {} <root_dir> <timeline> <varname> COMMAND'.format(sys.argv[0]))
    print('where COMMAND is one of the following:')
    print('  realize <type> <cache_size> <file_size> // Realizes/creates the variable.')
    print('  range                                   // Shows the time range')
    print('  type                                    // Shows the variable type')
    print('  dump                                    // Shows the file content')
    print('  *@ <at>                                 // Reads a value')
    print('  +@ <at> <value>                         // Writes a value')
    print('  ++ <value>                              // Writes a at next timestep')
    print('Nota: The position <at> can be negative.')

root_dir = sys.argv[1]
timeline = sys.argv[2]
varname  = sys.argv[3]
command  = sys.argv[4]
args     = 5
nb_cmd_args = len(sys.argv) - 5

var_path = cx.variable.path_from(root_dir, timeline, varname)

print('File : {}'.format(var_path))

if command == 'realize':
    if nb_cmd_args != 3:
        print('Command usage: realize <type> <cache_size> <file_size>')
    var_type   = cx.typing.make(sys.argv[args + 0])
    cache_size = int(sys.argv[args + 1])
    file_size  = int(sys.argv[args + 2])
    # This creates/checks the file. After this call,
    # the object v is associated to the file.
    v = cx.variable.Realize(var_path, var_type, cache_size, file_size)
elif command == 'dump':
    for t, value in cx.variable.data_range_full(var_path) :
        print('{} @{}'.format(value, t))
elif command == 'type':
    with cx.variable.Realize(var_path) as v:
    if command not in ['range', '*@', '+@', '++']:
        print('Command "{}" is not implemented'.format(command))
    # We open the variable and work with it. It should exist,
    # since we do not provide any information.
    with cx.variable.Realize(var_path) as v:
            if command == 'range':
                if nb_cmd_args != 0:
                    print('Command usage: range')
                r = v.time_range()
                if r:
                    print('Time range is [{}, {}]'.format(r[0], r[1]))
                    print('The file holds no data.')
            if command == '*@':
                if nb_cmd_args != 1:
                    print('Command usage: *@ <at>')
                at = int(sys.argv[args + 0])
                print('got {}'.format(v[at]))
            if command == '+@':
                if nb_cmd_args != 2:
                    print('Command usage: *@ <at> <value>')
                at    = int  (sys.argv[args + 0])
                value = float(sys.argv[args + 1])
                v[at] = np.full(v.datatype.shape(), value, dtype=float)
            if command == '++':
                if nb_cmd_args != 1:
                    print('Command usage: ++ <value>')
                value = float(sys.argv[args + 0])
                v += np.full(v.datatype.shape(), value, dtype=float)
        except cx.error.Busy:
            print('Nothing can be read, slot {} is busy'.format(at))
        except cx.error.Ready:
            print('Nothing can be written, slot {} is already ready'.format(at))
        except cx.error.Forgotten:
            print('Nothing can be accessed, slot {} is forgotten'.format(at))
        except cx.error.Any as err:
            print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[1])

The variable content depend on the type. It is handled thanks to numpy arrays.

import os
import numpy as np
import pycxsom as cx

# We remove an eventual 'dummy_dir' directory.
os.system("rm -rf dummy_dir")
os.system("mkdir dummy_dir")

def varpath(name):
    return cx.variable.path_from('dummy_dir', 'dummy', name)

# Let us write different kinds of variables.

with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('A'), cx.typing.make('Scalar'), 1, 1) as x :
    x += 12.345
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('B'), cx.typing.make('Pos1D'), 1, 1) as x :
    x += 12.345
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('C'), cx.typing.make('Pos2D'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.zeros(x.datatype.shape(), dtype=float)
    value[0] = 12.345
    value[1] = 67.89
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('D'), cx.typing.make('Array=10'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(10, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('E'), cx.typing.make('Map1D<Scalar>=10'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(10, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('F'), cx.typing.make('Map1D<Pos1D>=10'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(10, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('G'), cx.typing.make('Map1D<Pos2D>=5'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(10, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('H'), cx.typing.make('Map1D<Array=3>=5'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(15, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('I'), cx.typing.make('Map2D<Scalar>=5'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(25, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('J'), cx.typing.make('Map2D<Pos1D>=5'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(25, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('K'), cx.typing.make('Map2D<Pos2D>=5'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(50, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value
with cx.variable.Realize(varpath('L'), cx.typing.make('Map2D<Array=3>=5'), 1, 1) as x :
    value = np.arange(75, dtype=float).reshape(x.datatype.shape())
    x += value

# Now, let us display the values we have stored.

for varname in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L']:
    with cx.variable.Realize(varpath(varname)) as x :
        print('### {} : {}'.format(varname, x.datatype))

CxSOM enables to run an interactive process. To do so, python scripts can be notified when the computing process adds a new variable value in the corresponding history file. This is what syncronization is.

import os
import sys
import time
import pycxsom as cx

if (len(sys.argv) == 1) or (sys.argv[1] not in ['generate', 'wait', 'listen']):
    print('Usage: {} <mode>'.format(sys.argv[0]))
    print('There are 3 modes for running the example.')
    print('   generate -> This cleans all, and writes periodically the variable.')
    print('               Start with this, and run other modes in another terminal.')
    print('   wait     -> This waits for next variable change, prints it, and exits.')
    print('   listen   -> This loops and notifies any changes.')

mode    = sys.argv[1]
varpath = os.path.join('dummy_dir', 'timeline', 'ints.var')
if mode == 'generate':
    os.system("rm -rf dummy_dir")
    os.system("mkdir -p dummy_dir/timeline")
    with cx.variable.Realize(varpath, cx.typing.make('Scalar'), 10, 10) as x :
        i = 0
        while True:
            x += i
            i += 1
if mode == 'wait':
    with cx.variable.Realize(varpath) as x :
        x.sync_init() # we record the current time, from which we wait for a modification.
        print('waiting for new value...')
        x.wait_next(sleep_duration=.01) # We scan every 10ms to check for a value change.
        print('... got {} !'.format(x[-1]))

class Listener:
    def __init__(self):
    def on_new_value(self, v):
        print('v = {}'.format(v[-1]))
if mode == 'listen':
    l = Listener()
    with cx.variable.Realize(varpath) as x :
        x.sync_init() # we record the current time, from which we wait the first.
        x.listen(l.on_new_value, sleep_duration=.01) # We scan every 10ms to check for a value change.


The pycxsom library also provide a set of GUI tools for displaying variables. It is based on tkinter and matplotlib.

There are two kinds of viewers. The first kind handles a time instant (“at”) where the viewing is to be done. Sliders enable to synchronize the instant displayed by different viewers.

import pycxsom as cx
import numpy as np
import tkinter as tk
import matplotlib as plt
import sys

# This viewer draws a sine curve. It inherits from cx.tkviewer. At,
# meaning that it is invoked when we need to draw something at a given
# timestep. This timestep is providing to the on_draw_at callback,
# that you have to override. Afterwards, when building is done, an
# history slider can be defined as the one providing our viewer with
# time step information.

class MyView(cx.tkviewer.At):
    def __init__(self, master, title, color, figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100):
        super().__init__(master, title, figsize, dpi)
        self.X = np.linspace(0, 5*np.pi, 200)
        self.color = color
    def on_draw_at(self, at):
        Y = np.sin(self.X + .1*at)
        ax = self.fig.gca()
        ax.set_ylim((-1.1, 1.1))
        ax.plot(self.X, Y, color=self.color)
root = tk.Tk()
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda : sys.exit(0))

hs   = cx.tkviewer.HistorySlider(root, 'Main History', 0, 100, 50)
hbox = tk.Frame(root)
v1 = MyView(hbox, 'v1', '#ff0000')
v2 = MyView(hbox, 'v2', '#0000ff')
hs.widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH)
hbox.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH)
v1.widget().pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH)
v2.widget().pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH)



The second kind only handles a refresh request from the user (the user clicks a “refresh” button).

import pycxsom as cx
import numpy as np
import tkinter as tk
import matplotlib as plt
import sys

# This viewer draws a sine curve, whoe phase changes each time the
# user pressed the "Refresh" button. We only have to override the
# on_draw method in order to redraw when refresh is pressed.

class MyView(cx.tkviewer.Refresh):
    def __init__(self, master, title, figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100):
        super().__init__(master, title, figsize, dpi)
        self.X = np.linspace(0, 5*np.pi, 200)
        self.phase = 0
        self.draw() # This forces a first drawing
    def on_draw(self):
        Y = np.sin(self.X + self.phase)
        ax = self.fig.gca()
        ax.set_ylim((-1.1, 1.1))
        ax.plot(self.X, Y)
        self.phase += .1
        if self.phase > 2*np.pi:
            self.phase -= 2*np.pi
root = tk.Tk()
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda : sys.exit(0))

v = MyView(root, 'Translating sine')
v.widget().pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH)


From these elementary viewers, the variable computed by the simulation can be displayed. Some sliders can be built, in order to explore the time instants available for some specific variable. Here is a reallistic example.

import sys
import pycxsom as cx
import numpy as np
import tkinter as tk
import matplotlib as plt

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print('  {} <varpath1> <varpath2> ... '.format(sys.argv[0]))

# Let us check that all the variables have a 1D shape.
varpaths = sys.argv[1:]
error = False
for var_path in varpaths :
    with cx.variable.Realize(var_path) as v:
        if isinstance(v.datatype, cx.typing.Map1D) and v.datatype.content.shape()[0] == 1 :
            print('{} contains type {} which is not a 1D map of scalars.'.format(var_path, v.datatype))
            error = True
if error:
# Let us launch a graphical interface

# This is the main frame
root = tk.Tk()
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda : sys.exit(0))

# This is a time slider, associated to the first variable varpaths[0]
slider = cx.tkviewer.HistoryFromVariableSlider(root,
                                               'from {}'.format(varpaths[0]),
slider.widget().pack(fill=tk.BOTH, side=tk.TOP)

# Now, let us add a viewer. The idea is to inherit from a viewer
# class, and override your drawing function. Here, we want the viewer
# to handle the variables to be displayed.
class MyViewer(cx.tkviewer.At):
    def __init__(self, master, title, varpaths, figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100):
        super().__init__(master, title, figsize, dpi)
        self.varpaths = varpaths

    # This is the inherited (and overrided) method for drawing
    def on_draw_at(self, at):
        self.fig.clear()    # self.fig is the matplotlib figure
        ax = self.fig.gca()
        nb_curves = 0
        for varpath in self.varpaths:
            _, timeline, name = cx.variable.names_from(varpath)
            with cx.variable.Realize(varpath) as v:
                    Y = v[at]
                    X = np.arange(len(Y))
                    ax.plot(X, Y, label='({}){}'.format(timeline, name))
                    nb_curves += 1
                except cx.error.Busy:
                except cx.error.Forgotten:
        if nb_curves > 0:

# We add an instance of our viewer in the GUI.
viewer = MyViewer(root, 'My viewer', varpaths)
viewer.widget().pack(fill=tk.BOTH, side=tk.TOP)
viewer.set_history_slider(slider) # This viewer is controlled by our slider.

# Then we start the GUI.


A processor that has no more things to compute get asleep. If some process provides more data, by filling in variable files, the process has to be notified of the presence of up-to-date inputs. This notification consists of sending it a “ping”. This can be done by

mylogin@mymachine:~$ cxsom-ping <hostname> <port>

or within a python script.

import sys
import pycxsom as cx

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print('  {} <hostname> <port> ... '.format(sys.argv[0]))

hostname = sys.argv[1]
port     = int(sys.argv[2])

error =, port)
if error :
    print('Error : {}'.format(error))


Drawing goodies

The pycxsom library relies on matplotlib for drawing. Some specific display routines are implemented for some of cxsom values.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pycxsom as cx

side = 100

r = np.linspace(0, 1, side, endpoint = True)
X = np.repeat(r.reshape(1,side), side, axis=0)
Y = X.T

# This is the data you could get from Map2d<Scalar>=100
# or a Map2d<Pos1D>=100
W_2d_Pos1d = .5*(X+Y)

# This is the data you could get from Map2d<Pos2D>=100
W_2d_Pos2d = np.dstack((Y,X))

# Let us plot the weigh grids.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
plt.title('Grid of scalars')
cx.plot.grid_of_1D(fig.gca(), W_2d_Pos1d)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
plt.title('Grid of pairs in [0,1]')
cx.plot.grid_of_2D(fig.gca(), W_2d_Pos2d)

CxSOM Builder / C++ interface

See the doxygen doc

Hervé Frezza-Buet,